Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Night World Volume 3

"The Night World isn't a place, it's all around us. And now its split in two, Vampires against Witches, Humans, and Daybreakers. The werewolves and shifters could go either way. Which ever side they take could determine the fate of the human race."
This is the third volume of Night World. I'm trying to make it last, but am not succeeding, because the final book, Strange Fate, doesn't come out until April! (which I can't for the life of me understand because this one came out in 1997!) Anyway, Vol. 3 includes Huntress, where a vampire girl of a prominent Night World family finds out that she is in fact half human. Learning this, Jez Redfern leaves her life behind in order to make amends for her past wrong doings to humans, her mother's kind, and stalks the very creatures she had once hunted with. But when Circle Daybreak enlists Jez to reclaim leadership of her old gang in order to identify a Wild Power (a child born the year of the Blind Maiden's vision who will hold off the darkness with three others at the time of the apocalypse) she fears for the human child's life as well as her own, for if those who she had once called her friends find out about her parentage, they would not hesitate to kill her. Jez not only has to keep her family a secret, but also juggles the new feelings awakened in her when she realizes that her soulmate is Morgead, a fellow gang member notoriously famous for hating humans, and the one person Jez is sure would strike her down if he knew the truth. Finding the Wild Power proved to be difficult, and Jez went through two likely candidates before she realized an even greater truth about herself, and her responsibility to the human race.

In Black Dawn, a human girl named Maggie learns of a horrible tragedy, Her eighteen year old brother Miles had been killed in a mountain climbing expedition, or so his girlfriend claims. Maggie however, does not believe Sylvia's crying act and pursues the truth about her brother. Upon confronting Sylvia, Maggie learns that the older girl was in fact lying, but is hit with the realization that she will never know the truth when she is knocked out. When she wakes, Maggie is locked in a cart with three other girls. One around middle school age, the other, a slave who attempted to escape the Dark Kingdom, the place Maggie will soon find herself, a place that is ruled by Night Worlders, where technology is nonexistent, and where humans are slaves to the vampires, shapeshifters, werewolves, and witches. The last girl is a mystery. Being blind, how could she be of any use to the Night Worlders? When Maggie and her new acquaintances attempt to escape, they are forced to split up, leaving Maggie with the nearly unconscious blind girl, Arcadia. (though we find out later her real name is Aradia.) Hiding from the slavetraders, Maggie meets a vampire boy named Delos, who saved her life and Aradia's from a shapeshifter, using the blue flames of a Wild Power. The two realize that they are soulmates, despite what the vampire prince wishes (yes he's the prince of the Dark Kingdom!) and it becomes evident that he must choose a side. Either he will give in to the infamous Hunter Redfern and contribute to the destruction of the human world, or join the Daybreakers and assume his responsibility to hold off the darkness...

As of now, two Wild Powers have been found, and the prophecy states that there must be four:
One from the land of Kings long forgotten (Delos)
One from the hearth which still holds the Spark (possibly a Harman witch?)
One from the Dayworld where two eyes are watching (Jez)
And one from the twilight to be one with the dark (?)

Didn't get to book three yet!

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