Sunday, November 29, 2009

Another Vampire Series!!: Night World Vol. 1

My first impression of this series was that it was less about the supernatural and more of what love means to individuals who have found it:
There are two main rules for those belonging to the Night World. The first is to never tell a human about the existence of vampires, werewolves, witches, or anything of their secret history. The second is to never fall in love with a human. Break either, and the consequence is death, for the Night Worlder as well as the human. The Night World series are basically short stories of what happens when these rules are broken:
In Secret Vampire Poppy's life is brought to a sudden stop when she is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Her best friend, and secret crush, since kindergarten, James a vampire of the Night World, is her only hope of survival. But saving Poppy would mean death for him, foremost because it would be an unwritten confession that James had fallen in love with a human, and in order to change her, James must tell her his darkest secret. The two rules would be broken. Once his decision is made, James gets an unwanted visit from his immoral cousin, Ash, who puts Poppy and James in danger of the wrath of the entire Night World Council...

In Daughters of Darkness three vampire sisters escape the tyrannical island which was formally their home in exchange for freedom in the outside human world. Upon learning of their absence, the girls' brother, the infamous Ash from Secret Vampire, is sent by his family to bring them back home. What the arrogant, bad-boy vampire does not expect is to find his soulmate while attempting to persuade his sisters to return home, much less that the girl would be human. Discovering this, Ash is faced with his own immorality and reminded constantly of the way he acted towards humans before he found himself tied to one. I suppose this is what we would call poetic justice, a vampire who hates humans, labeling them 'vermin,' unwillingly loving what he once hated. Of course, the Night World Law forbids them to be together and most certainly would present them with death for claiming that they were soulmates. The Night World Council would not hesitate to kill Ash's youngest sister, Jade and her
soulmate as well, who happens to be the younger brother of Mary-Lynette, the human girl Ash is fated to be with forever. The only solution for them is to stay hidden in the human world, if they aren't caught first...

In the last book of Night World Vol. 1, Spellbinder two witch cousins, direct decedents of the most powerful witch, Hellewise, fight each other for the affections of a human boy. Blaise fights simply to have him, to conquer. Thea fights to protect him from her somewhat twisted cousin Blaise, and fights her own emotions, which include pure love for the human boy Eric, and fear of death by the Night World Council should they find out her one and only love is human. Throughout the story, Blaise uses underhanded methods to win Eric, bewitchment and allure, none of which work because his love for Thea is pure and cannot be tainted. In the midst of it all, a dangerous spirit is released from the void endlessly searching to avenge deaths of centuries past. It is Thea's duty to send the spirit back and with Eric by her side, she is confident that they will live through it. Then the Inner Circle of Witches appear at Thea's home to chastise her for using forbidden spells, and find that an even greater punishment must await her for breaking the two most important rules of the Night World...

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