Sunday, November 29, 2009

Finished 'salem's Lot!

I really liked this one, although it was a little hard to follow because the stories switched so often. I can't get over how scary 'salem's Lot was and I actually jumped when I heard the wind "scratching" at the window a few days ago. I suppose this book was unnerving because some of it is actually believable, such as entire families inexplicably disappearing in the dead of night, or mysterious strangers spontaneously arriving in a town where if you weren't born there, you were considered an outsider and thought the worst of. Also disturbing was the fact that the town itself was so isolated and withdrawn within its own borders that I assume no help would ever have arrived. What happened to Father Callahan was also disturbing. Supposedly, he lost his faith at the end, and he made reference to Cain. Judging by the fact that Barlow allowed him to live, I think that Father Callahan was made to wander like Cain, safe from any harm, but always wandering. The one question I have is how Barlow could have bestowed such a punishment on Father Callahan? Otherwise, despite the extinction of 'salem's Lot, things ended optimistically, with two people who know the truth fighting for tomorrow.

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