Monday, September 28, 2009

PAGE 207!

So far, I think that CRASHED is better than SKINNED. There is much more going on in the sequel, including the revelation of hidden secrets, war, and deception. Its been focusing more on the adventures of Lia and the other Mechs, such as those who would declare war on the Orgs because of the opinions of the Brotherhood, a Faither group which hates Mechs, and a group that Lia's former best friend Auden is now a part of. And war has been declared, incidentally, by another Mech with Lia's face. Now, because she was in the area of a massive attack on the Orgs, Lia is blamed for the deaths of 42 people. The reader knows that the attack wasn't Lia's doing, but the authorities are content to blame her, possibly because they do not know who the real attacker is. Without their tracking devices (each Mech has a GPS system, allowing BioMax to know their exact location) feeding them the proper information, or to the right people, the authorities are clueless, and for now the attacker remains at large.

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