Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PAGE 244....

Things are not looking good for the Mechs, Lia especially. She has two choices given to her by the head of BioMax: be blackmailed with publicized accounts of her "actions" in the corp town massacre, or betray Jude, who BioMax has been searching for, and keep her own record clean. I'm really interested to see what Lia will do because she has disliked Jude from her early days as Mech, but it seems that she has become quite taken with Riley, (just my own assumption!!!) Jude's closest friend. Lia's dilemma is that Riley is blindly loyal to Jude, and to betray him would be to sever any ties she has with Riley, and I do not think she would willingly keep herself from Riley, who understands her more than any other individual due to what they went through together at the corp town. Also, there have been MAJOR character changes with Auden Heller--in the previous book, Auden was a unique individual, concerned with what others had forgotten or simply neglected, including Lia. Now he has renounced his friendship with her completely and is the polar opposite of the boy that Lia once loved. I just thought that was interesting and wonder if he is capable of returning to his former self.

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