Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sequel to SKINNED: CRASHED. Just started!

I just started the sequel to SKINNED! Its called CRASHED. I'm only about 30 pages in, but from that, its apparent that Lia has finally subdued to the other Mechs and joined them. She is content with participating in their daily activities and has earned a high status with Jude, one of the first to receive the downloading and currently the leader of Lia's group of Mechs. Apparently, Lia is quite happy with her new life, but it seems that an old and sympathetic friend, Auden Heller, who was ready to stand in the fronts lines in order to defend Lia and other Mechs, has literally joined the "dark side" of society. Out of bitterness and revenge, Auden has condemned his one time friend, and others like her.
UPDATE ON CRASHED: I've read about one hundred pages now! I think that this one is more of a page turner than SKINNED because it starts out with mystery, character change, and tragedy, unlike the first where all that is happening is Lia's "readjustment" in the early chapters.

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