Saturday, October 10, 2009

Finished CRASHED! :)

After finishing this book I have changed my opinion of Jude, the Mech's fearless leader. In the beginning of the series, he is presented as parental figure of sorts to the confused and frightened new recipients of the download. Now, however, its become clear that he is ruthless and will stop at nothing to carry out his plans, even if it mean that many innocents will die in the process. I admit that I was quite angry when he escaped from the BioMax officials, but also relieved in a way, because he does have information vital to the Mechs' survival. Although, the way in which he carries out his rebellion is not unlike the methods of the Brotherhood of Man; both are convinced that they are better than the other and will not hesitate to commit violent acts for their cause. I can't wait to read the conclusion of this series, although it might be a while. There were many cliffhangers at the end and I am anxious to see where they lead...

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