Wednesday, October 7, 2009

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! pg 385

Oh my God. I never would have guessed that Ani, Lia's new best friend, would betray the other Mechs to the Brotherhood of Man. Ani's character was always happy and spirited, but I guess that when her girlfriend Quinn, (Ani is homosexual) betrayed her trust, Ani just gave up all hopes of happiness her new life. Not that she had to go and drag everyone down with her, but I suppose being told continuously by a religious radical that you are a soulless abomination does take its toll. Despite her betrayal, I have a lot of sympathy for Ani. Her girlfriend betrayed her, Lia deserted her in order to deal with problems of her own, and so she was withdrawn from any and all forms of friendship and compassion until she was deluded into believing in the Brotherhood's opinion of her and the other Mechs while in her weak emotional state. The Brotherhood is now using Ani and other "acquired" Mechs as lab rats in order to find a way to kill Mechs, along with all copies of their memories so that they can't be re-downloaded. However, I'm happy to know that Auden is not a part, and does not even know, of the atrocities being committed by his idol, the "Honored Rai Sovana." Hopefully by the end of this book he will have severed all ties with the murderous group.
UPDATE!!! As it turns out, the 42 victims of the "Skinner Attack" on the corp town are all alive and well. In fact, they are working with the Brotherhood of Man. MEANING the Mechs were set up and made to look like murderers when in reality, they had no part in any act of violence towards the Orgs. NOTE: The Brotherhood of Man is looking less like a religious group and more like a tyrannical/ terrorist group with every turn of a page!

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